"Pet loss can have a huge impact on a person’s life and many find it difficult to talk to friends or family so it is great to have the service of Solace available." – Ann Marie Horgan MVB GPCert SAM
the Loss of a Pet
offers guidelines on how to deal with the death of a pet. It was published by the Irish Hospice Foundation
partnership with Solace Pet Loss Ireland and sponsored by Allianz
Pet Insurance. download leaflet
Grief and Losswas written for the Irish
Veterinary Journal (Volume 63 Number
1 IVJ Jan 2010).
Following a workshop on pet loss, hosted by the IHF, Annie Kilmartin (Solace) Orla Keegan (
IHF) and vet Angela Hickey
came together to focus on pet bereavement from a
number of different perspectives.download article
Departedwas written by Michael Kelly
for the Irish
Times (16.02.2008). link to article
RTÉ's The Afternoon Show(30/03/2010) interviewied vet Angela Hickey and Susan Delaney
from the IHF about pet loss and bereavement.
Barton Ross, C. (2005) Pet Loss and Children
Carmack, B. (2003) Grieving the Death of a Pet
Greene, L. and Landis, J. (2002) Saying Goodbye to the Pet you Love
Barton Ross, C. and Baron-Sorensen, J. (2007) Pet Loss and Human Emotion
Straub, S.H. (2004) Pet Death
Allan, N. (1996) Heaven
These books are
available on public loan from the Theresa Brady Library at the Irish
Hospice Foundation.